Sheepy Shelter

It was a beautiful morning of sunshine, breezy too and then it came more overcast in the afternoon, colder and the odd shower. 

I spent the morning in the office and working with photo orders.  I also had a brief meeting with my boss, Ian Tait, and he's given me a new list of photos to be snapping in the next couple of weeks.  After lunch, we had our Mootie Moose club in the museum and was a busy day.  After work, I was helping out Brian get his boat lifted out the water for repairs.  Some walkies with Sammy and then a quiet night in with the telly. 

My boss Ian, has given me a list of photos to take for a talk he's doing in a few weeks time.  As far as I could make out, it's a talk about crofters and recycling and how old bruck can still be used, like this old piping, it makes a fine sheep shelter :)  Taken at Longwell, Cunningsburgh. 

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