
I decided I would do Braveheart for my Film Star Friday...not easy when you don't own a kilt, don't have a large table, have only a smidgen of blue face paint left and have completely run out of entrails.

I nipped round to the butcher and discussed the use of different sausages for intestines. He was very obliging and tried making them up different ways. I decided on the clump effect in the end and promised to show him the end result. In my head I could see the photo I wanted, but it is difficult to do without the right props and the camera I have. 

Anyway, I phoned a friend and she said she was prepared to stick a bag on her head and wield a dagger over me. I grabbed the makeshift props and drove round to do it in her garden. I only had a coffee table and I had to keep jumping off the table to press the button on the is now sticky with tomato ketchup. 

I'm not completely happy with the result, but there are only so many times you can ask a friend to position sausages on your stomach and look like you've just hung drawn and quartered someone! I did just have a mild panic as I came home to scrub the blue off my face and wash out the brown hair spray I'd used...I thought I was going to have a dyed patch of hair on the side I'd sprayed for the pic, fortunately after a few shampoos it came out.

We were careful with the sausages so I can wash the lashings of tomato sauce off them and cook them tonight. Thank goodness we are only doing Film Star Friday every other week.....

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