
By Angelique


I apologise for my absence due to illness but I couldn't let this special time pass without posting a blip.

I love the way the sun shines through my woodland section of the garden.

It brings us hope for the coming year.  For good things we hope will happen and not dwell on the negatives that are always present all around us.

We are  called to live in this world, and we all know how this world is constantly changing, full of hatred and violence.  I am not going to judge other people's faith or beliefs but surely for us all to move forward, a belief based on love for our fellow being has to be better than one that takes and destroys lives!!  Think about it.

Jesus gave his LIFE so that we could live ours to the full, enjoying all that this precious Earth has to give.  We are all different, unique, are you living your life as He intended, giving to others unconditionally, not counting their faults but loving them just the same!!

Enough said, Matthew is with us for the Easter period, the sun is shining today and of course he wants to go on the hunt for another book!  And of course we will do what we can to fulfil his dreams.

I wish you all a HAPPY EASTER full of love and laughter and blessings. xxxxx

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