48 Shades of Various Colours

Back-blip 1 of 6…..

Day one of a business trip to South Korea. Apart from it being a Saturday, it didn't start well. I was supposed to be the second of three pick-ups but the taxi driver didn't have the first on his job sheet. He was supposed to arrive at 06:45 but he was outside the house at 06:20 and without my colleague. A quick dash to grab everything and then a debate about going backwards in the journey before picking up our other colleague a little late. 

Still, we arrived at Heathrow in good time, I grabbed a blip and we boarded our first flight to Helsinki on time. A short wait for our connection to Seoul and all was going well until, that is, three and a half hours into our eight and a half hour flight when the captain announced that we had a technical problem and that we had to turn back to Helsinki!!!

On arrival we were advised that there were no more flights that day and that we would have to be re-routed tomorrow, which we would be confirmed in the morning. We were given vouchers for the on-site hotel and eventually booked in at 01:30 local time. I spent the next 30 minutes calling through to our Seoul hotel and one of my colleagues informed our supplier that we wouldn't be there for the first day of our three-day meeting schedule.

It can only get better, or can it?…...

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