Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Night off

Another bad night - Henry and I both kept waking up coughing, and he sounds really chesty like he's been smoking 30 a day so I took him to the Drs then felt like a fraud when I got the "it's only a virus" spiel - we saw a different Dr who doesn't know that I'm a trainee GP.

My mum and dad insisted on looking after Henry tonight as I'm knackered and have the same cold so Neil and I went out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary (which was a couple of weeks ago, and which I forgot, oops!). The house is horribly quiet without Henry and I miss him like mad already.

Today's blip is Henry having a whale of a time in Waitrose (I forgot the nappy bag so had to stock up on nappies and wipes for mum) - he loves going in the trolley and gets really excited, laughing and wiggling all over the place.

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