
By TBay

Easter Decorations

It seems only like yesterday that I decorated the Church for Easter and here we are a whole year on. I love to make the little church look pretty and Easter is such fun with the wonderful sunny yellows of the daffodils.

Framing - Two on muck speading and two on compost. 

I excelled myself this evening. I had a meeting for out local Group YFC  and had pursuded Mr Tbay that he should attend this one. He was very ambivalent about attending, but I lured him out with the promise of food and a nice pint of the local brew!  Got there to find that the meeting is in fact next week. I had also incorrectly  informed a few of the local club that there was a meeting and they too turned up. Oh my!! I have a feeling I will be the butt of several jokes at next weeks meeting! 

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