I am an automated system.......

This is my i-Phone just back from the repairers.   

Confession time.  You have to know that the stay in Madeira was excellent and restorative.   (I know now why orchid99 loves it so much. it is very beautiful.)

There were two mishaps - which didn't spoil anything.    One I slipped down a very wet mudbank and landed spectacularly hard on my left side.   I was sent to a private Medical Centre where the treatment was very swift and friendly, although it seemed a bit bizarre to be seen by an urologist who spoke no English.    Never mind, it WAS 6 pm on a Sunday.  Anyway, the result is a subluxation injury to the shoulder joint, with some ligament damage.    It will take a wee bit of time and effort to get over it. (The consultation, an injection and a private prescription came to £46.    Thank goodness for our NHS - because similar private treatment would cost several times that here.)

The day after my i-phone screen got smashed.   This morning I phoned Apple and was greeted by an automatic system.   The worst part was when it wanted me to enter my IME number which is engraved in letters so tiny I couldn't read them without magnification, and on the back.... it turned into a bit of a caper, then she told me that the queue to speak to a the real person was at least ten minutes (on a chargeable number.)

So I just gave up and drove up instead.  Screen replaced very quickly - although at a higher cost than Madeiran human fixing!

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