
By TexMama

Look Up!

I sat on the porch this afternoon, perusing pinterest and pretending I didn't need to mop the kitchen floor ... as one does :0)  Whilst above my head, a silent visitor was creeping his way across the underside of the porch roof.
No1 son came out to see what I was doing, and when I looked up to talk to him I noticed this directly above his head!   ...needless to say there was screaming involved.

We texted a pic to Mr Tex, who called with orders to "use the mop and pull it down, then chase it off."  - "I don't think that's going to happen but thanks for the tip."  

We photographed it (No1 son & I)
And made snake faces at it (littleman & I)
And yelled "get off my roof snake!" (mainly me)
And poked it with the end of the mop to try to encourage it to leave (littleman - who was the bravest of us all)

It slithered a little ... dropped half-way down a few times, as if preparing to eat someone - mainly littleman - I suppose you would if someone was poking you with the end of the mop handle :0)

It finally made it's way to the inside edge where the porch meets the house roof - where it is still sitting, folded in thirds, and watching the weird humans suspicioussssly.

I have named it sssslitherin' - because I'm creative like that with names

Mr Tex will probably make it leave when he get's home - I hope.
And I will check the rafters before I sit down on the porch in future...lesson learned 

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