Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary

Sooooo…………………… the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment does not stop just because we’re back in Cornwall…………….

Ann is going to have a bit of a RANT………………

………….BUT before she does……………  This is me with Barry & Sarah.

Barry & Sarah have been married 25 years today and I was lucky enough to be Blipped with them.

Happy, Happy, Happy, Silver Wedding Anniversary.  Hope you’ve had a fabulous day & enjoy your evening even more???!!!  Xxx

And now for the RANT…………………..  Ignore this Blippers – I’m using BLIP as a diary of events.

After my morning walk I had to go into ‘snooze mode’ because Ann was trying to put the ‘Edinburgh Council Tax’ back into her name.  Well, nobody at Edinburgh Council actually wanted to talk to her.  She pressed this button and that button and tried ‘holding’ & not holding and tried ignoring all the options (none of which were relevant to her) and eventually she just gave up.  And then she filled in an online form (which won’t be correct because none of the options fitted what she wanted to ask) and now she has a reference number.  Yay!!!  I suppose that’s a start??!!

Then she phoned ‘Scottish Power’ and after about 10 mins of button pushing, spoke to a very nice man called called Liam.  Almost half an hour later she was still talking to Liam.  All Ann wanted to do was set up a ‘direct debit’ for electricity for the Edinburgh flat so that she doesn’t have to pay a huge bill in 6 months time.  Liam said that the cheapest ‘online’ package he could do was £10 more than what we actually pay for electricity in Cornwall.  And that was after she’d told him that the original price was ridiculous.  Don’t even ask how much she was quoted??!!  There’s a limit to how much one can RANT for???

I got an extra walk down to 'St Ives Hols' to see Derek & Barry because Ann needed ‘techie advice’ on how to connect to the internet (when we don’t have wifi) the next time we’re in Edinburgh for the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment.  Derek & Barry are very techie and gave Ann loads of help. 

I was a little bit naughty when Ann was talking to Derek & Barry.  I got a bit bored and I know that the dog biscuits are kept downstairs so I tried wandering off.  Unfortunately Ann captured me before I got very far. She said, ‘Molly, you’re getting an extra walk.  Stop being so naughty.’

And then this afternoon it was lovely and sunny so I got a big, long walk up St Agnes Beacon.  Yay!!!

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