
Hero has a huge coat and it is very difficult to keep free from tangles. So my birthday money this year was spent on a dryer, which does not only dry the dog's hair, but does also blow all of the tangles and loose hair out. 

Sooooo this - my new weapon against tangles - came today and since both Hero and Biscuit needed a bath, we I decided to try it immediately. 

I love it! The boys not so much! But they accepted the treatment and after a couple of hours both dogs looked like proper show dogs :-D

Gollum was pleased not to be involved in the project ;-)

Also my car does now have a new window and a new side-view mirror and I am £225 poorer!

And my friend Ingelise stopped by with some beautiful flowers and a lovely Birthday card. Such a nice surprise.

I do now have 5 days off for Easter - ahhhh bliss!

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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