Over Yonder

By Stoffel

That Place Where We Went That Time

When doing one's Edinburgh Countdown, one could very easily track history via the pubs you went to and the people you met there and the conversations you had.

Smithie's is in Canonmills, and if you've worked for Standard Life (as is the law for anyone living in Edinburgh) then the chances are you've been based there at one time or another.

I remember getting really horrifically drunk after deciding that red wine after beer was a good idea.  It was bad enough that I had to clean the bath the next day, but it didn't stop me going to Smithie's that lunchtime to meet some SL people.

That was a long time ago.  The SL office in Tanfield is now closed and I'm far too mature for that sort of thing now.  

Although, it's funny how maturity doesn't work the way I thought it would.  It's not that I've become sensible, it's just that being as insensible as I used to be would now put me in bed for a week.

Anyway.  Smithie's.  

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