My happy little life

By khoola

Yet more fishes

A day of more fishes, the humongous whale taking shape and my glaze experiment still not being ready to come out of the kiln and either amaze or defeat me.

Also a sad day in world news, but you know what? Most days are sad days in world news these days. You just have to look a little further than the heavily biased mainstream news providers to see what's happening out there. A few things strike me about this. Firstly, that it's sad and frightening when these things happen. Secondly, that it's almost as sad and frightening to watch people argue and tear each other apart over their opinions on how everyone should feel about this. Thirdly, that it's continually disheartening how one death seems to matter more than another, when you didn't personally know any of those affected. And lastly, that it's fear that drives most of these things. Fear it could happen to us. Fear that the world is changing. And most of all, fear of anything "other". The world's a scary place, let's try and be kind to one another.

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