IR Sunset over the Bosque

The pup and I went walking in the intermittent rain today in the Bosque of the Rio Grande. It is a lovely place pretty much all the time. The pup and I both enjoyed ourselves. This is yet another entry in the Tucson Jim tribute blog occasioned by his semi-retirement from blip (come back Jim).

As it is Thanksgiving, I want to say how much I have to be grateful for. A warm bed, a solid roof, clean water, enough food, no shooting war that we all must dodge. Further I have a good family, a grandbaby that I am fortunate enough to see most days and care for. I have a pleasant animal family and a job. And I will be able to retire in a few months (either at the end of December or March). I am very lucky and blessed.

The next several days I have an art show, in an attempt to rid myself of lots of pots so I can make more pots. I expect the next few days will feature less than artistic blips and time for posting and looking at pictures. Today was spend scrambling to get the booth together. Argh.... I hope I sell at least 1 piece each day.

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