Planting out the spuds

A little earlier than usual this year as we'll be away from next Saturday for 17 days, so they had to go in.  The spud planter is a wonderful device, makes the hole saving all that trench digging. A little bit of compost in the bottom, fine soil on top, drop in spud then earth up. 70 spuds planted in about an hour.

This year we're growing Casablanca as earlies and Harmony as mains. We grew Casablanca last year and they were superb, but the other varieties failed so we're trying another this time. We can only wait and see.

Getting ready for the trip to California on Saturday, gathering things together, bookings, clothes, information, all that sort of stuff. Looking forward to seeing Chris and De'Shaun, their new house and traveling to Palm Springs and Yosemite.

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