A Little History Today

While Grandma and Momma went shopping, Merrick and I went to the historical park, and to a local farm with a petting section.

I was surprised how many questions Merrick had at the park. "How did they wash clothes with these things? Didn't they have washing machines?"

When we went into the one-room schoolhouse, I asked him to sit in the "bad-boy-chair-in-the-corner", and give me his bad boy look. That's what I got.

As an added bonus at the petting farm, two sandhill cranes were trying to steal the goats food. Exciting to get 10-12 feet away from the long necks.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/albums/72157666261414235 Check out my Flickr page for the cranes, a big tortoise, and some more shots of the boy at the historical village.

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