Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Ugly Truth

Went to Southampton for a workshop with a well known firm of auditors. Train half an hour late. Deliberately calmed my middle class irritation with things going wrong. Train deserted and very pleasant guard giving advice on where to get off. 
I still love a train ride. And the sun was out and I got a table so could do some work on the way down. Jumped into a taxi and the driver gave me a six G pull out of the car park; I swear I looked like Mat Damon in The Martian. It was only a ten minute journey but I felt a bit queasy after that.
The seminar was actually really good. I walked back to Southampton Central afterwards and stopped to take a couple of pictures. Lot of very ugly sixties buildings in Southampton including this tower block which is clearly scheduled for demolition. So ugly it is almost beautiful.
Did some more work on the train back and when I got home, then took Tigger to the vet. She was very well behaved even when a dog fight broke out in the waiting room. 
Picked up The Dizzle, then went to the chip shop with TSM. Had smoked salmon bacon, egg and chips for supper. 
Talking of ugly things we need to get rid of - brilliant article in today's “i” by Matthew Norman about why Cameron is to blame for the whole disability budget debacle, and lots of reports about how the tories have lost any claim to being a "one nation" party. A masterpiece of journalism. At one point he said that Cameron should beware the IDS of March. Very clever ... 

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