The Cliff of Randolph

A glorious day! Well, the weather was. Up first thing down to the gaff, via Waitrose to get the free coffees, to let in boiler repair man who has come to look at the drip. From the boiler. A good lad, with a hipster beard and haircut, he wasn't for hanging about as he'd a game to take in at Tynecastle. I wish all my workies were Jambos.
Home via the Edina lock & key to drool over their collection of brass err ironmongery. Brassmongery?
Then a step over the Dean Bridge (above) and on to turn up at the aforementioned Tynie. Unfortunately the team didn't. A three nil reverse. Booo, indeed. Drinks and onward to the Cameo to meet the Pixie and see High Rise. What a fabulous spectacle. A bit overlong here and there, but pretty great. Made me think of Wendy's gaff. Or Clockwork Orange.
And home in time for more Trapped and MOTD! Bliss.

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