
Was woken up to the sound of Nana Nana but thankfully not too early. I'm feeling better but Bella's daddy is poorly again, sore throat etc. We played with the play dough in the sunshine making cupcakes and she pretended to eat them. Later we walked to the shop, she pushed baby in the pram although she made me carry it for a while. The shop was shut yesterday as during Friday night robbers tried to break in and steal the cash machine! I really needed some supplies. It was almost an hour round trip but we got all our shopping then we played until lunchtime. Another walk in her car then a trip to the park, she loves playing on the slide. we kept giving her daddy time to rest. I love this age, her favourite game is hide and seek, she will count but she hides Infront of you , she even wants to play it when she comes in my bed so I have to pretend I can't find her!!! We've had a lovely day I'm tired out and I know will sleep well tonight.

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