
By SpotsOfTime

Edinburgh Big Blipmeet

CyclopsJnr has trained his dinosaurs excellently ... they were clearly chuffed that they had managed to eat lots of chocolate cake whilst all those blippers were busy chatting about blippy things ...

As some of you already know, I have a 'slightly' bonkers streak which took over today. I fancied a drive so took off for the Edinburgh blipmeet. I felt a bit of a traitor as all the wonderful Cumbrian blippers were meeting today too ... so many blipmeets, so little time.

There were lots of folk there and I'm really sorry because I didn't get everyone's names or to properly meet everyone there but it was lovely to meet and chat briefly with doubtlesshouse (the first to arrive and who luckily spotted me as a slightly shaken - I'd just just jumped a red light trying to negotiate central Edinburgh traffic - slightly lost, fellow blipper) , marchmont, thechimp  (who co-incidentally is related to Penally1 and Mislet - Cumbrian blippers ... it's a small world)  and the Cyclops team who are doing so much wonderful work for the blip community with everyone else at BlipCentral. And, of course, the very lovely WhiskyFoxtrot who I had hoped would be there.

It seemed like a good opportunity to be grateful for blip in the place where it was born. Long Live Blip!

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