Palm Sunday .....
..... with a difference!
Today I went to church where my daughter worships, oh my how hard they had worked during Lent! In this period they have what is called " The Easter People", and this entails--- Music, Dance , Craft , Bible readings, Prayer and Drama, & photography.
The title of the service was " Angels from a New Angle"! Very ingenious, the Drama also had an ingenious theme -- What is the PLAN in all this". The whole service was surrounding Angels, the young craft group made a wonderful Jacobs Ladder, which needed to be seen to realise the work that went into it, every area of the church was recognised, much too much to explain.
The Drama was very moving with a rolling photography vision of the Palm Sunday right up to Easter Sunday . Well done ALL at St John's Shirley
Happy ...... to have been able to share such a moving service.
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