Walking today and the day started off looking great with sun and all the accessories available from the start. The "B" team, NO relationship to The Boss or Bossess, but just the B team walking group which contains the more "mature" members set out to walk the portion of Lake Hawea from the neck to Kidds Bush which is actually along a country road / track. So off we went but a short distance along the road the farmer had erected a cattle stop and a large sign that stated that the road from that point was private (disputed) and dogs were prohibited. Hmmm says The Boss and as the walking group is never looking to get into any disputes with farmers The Boss decided we would turn and walk the other way by ourselves which we did. After an hour or so by which time we were back on the main highway The Boss noticed the sky to the Northwest was going a very interesting shade of BLACK and we turned again and headed back to Suzz, and nearly made it, when things really got ugly and the heavens opened, The Boss struggled into his waterproof and I stood shaking myself of the dreaded rain WHICH I HATE on my soft coated coat. After lunch in Suzz (his not mine) we thought we had better trundle up the track and rescue the others which was much welcomed by all. And of course Coffee followed back in town where it was blazingly fine.
There is a huge moral to this story. Obeying signs can have great pay-offs. So just remember that, the next time you feel a wave of civil disobedience coming on as there would have been a bad case of "wet dog syndrome" if we hadn't turned around.
Oh the picture. Lake Hawea, like all our southern lakes at the moment is very low. Lower than average rainfall has done this and low water in Hydro lakes (used to feed generators) means top electricity prices. (Market forces etc). As the water level drops the wave action creates these rings on the banks which attract photographers desperate to Blip something before the light gets all damp.
Larger look this shot
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