My life

By pops

Calm after the maelstrom

Well that maybe a bit of an exaggeration but the house was a little mad this morning. Gemma Ben and Thomas had all slept over after last night and Thomas was up with the dawn chorus but grumpy because he'd really not had enough sleep, so this morning was about keeping him occupied. Cuddles with me and Grandad in bed for a little while then playtime while mummy got ready. We then took Poppy for a walk and after that he finally gave in and had a nap! They left after lunch and Kevin and I finished returning the house to a respectable state, and popped out to Morrisons. Tea was christened; pan fried venison with colcannon mash and veg!
So a candlelit tea and now chilling watching Madmen - hoping to find a box-set We can work our way through.

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