They're Mine!

Yesterday Kiwilizzie and I went to The Red Barn for lunch. Neither of us could manage all our food so I bought the leftovers home to feed to the birds.

I threw half out yesterday and the sparrows and starlings had a feast. Today I had to rush home after work to pick my cat up for a trip to the vet. While I was home I threw the rest of the food out (because it was making my fridge smell of cold chips). When I got home it was to find 5 waxeyes having a feast.

Unfortunately the photos are not the best because I had to take them through the window, but I liked the way this wee one was standing guard over his haul and warning all the others off.

For any overseas people who don't know our waxeye you can get a true picture of their size from this photo of one using a pear as an umbrella.

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