A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Leafy In The Sky With... Hearts?

Some buggy loved this leafy intensely for a day. So much so they chewed little hearts into it. Maybe it was a romantic buggy date and one buggy did this to show the other buggy how much they care. Look larger to see the little hearts better.

I originally had plans of taking some photos of our Daisies in our front flowerbed, but the Mockingbirds are on full out attack mode right now and working in pairs. I had one see me inside the house and freak out. It planted itself in front of our porch and began screaming, spreading it's wings out in full fanned out position, and starring me down like no bird I've seen before. Perhaps a braver person would have taken them on, but I am not that person. They have several birds posted in several locations, all prepared to take me DOWN. I have always hated watching those nature shows that focus on the hunting aspects of animal life and now I think I do even more seeing as I am now the prey.

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