Inside Out

When I got back from work this morning I felt Flynns stomach and it seemed even larger and harder. We decided that we didn't want to leave him for the week (as suggested by the vet yesterday) and we were keen to find out what was going on. So I took Flynn to another vet which has more equipment to hand. 

They decide to keep him in to give him an xray and  and some kind of scan to see what was happening. 

Turns out he had pericardial effusion, large amount of fluid round the heart. Which was then enlarged and restricting his trachea (which explains the shortness of breath and the wrenching) and then the excess fluid has made its way to his abdomen. Eventually it would have been harder for his heart to beat under the pressure. 

They have drained the excess fluid from both heart and abdomen (2 ltrs from abdomen!) 

What's actually caused this to happen is unclear, it's a common thing in golden retrievers apparently but it could also be cancer on his heart. 
So we are monitoring him, it could refill quickly or it may take a long time..... 

She said his heart is doing well for his age though and I'm sure he must feel soooo much better now that that's all gone. 

Fingers crossed it's not the worse scenario but we'll just have to wait and see...... 

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