With a little bit of help

Thursday 17th March 2016           (backblip)

My effort for Abstract Thursday ..... thanks to youoregon1 for hosting this wonderful challenge :-)

I enlisted Hubby's help for this one as I needed an extra pair of hands!

This started off as a torch shone through a colander ...... as you can see from the extra ....... I got Hubby to hold the colander & light while I took the photo. I've tried to do something similar on my own before ....... but ran out of hands!

I then faffed with it a bit ...... hope you like the result :-)

For those interested: I added a 'tile' filter & then a kaleidoscope filter.

I have also backblipped Monday ..... Tuesday & Wednesday ...... do hope you will take the time to have a look :-)

I am almost caught up with everyone ...... will finish catching up tomorrow ...... normal service will soon be resumed! :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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