Beach Boys

What should have been a lovely morning by the beach ended up being a big job, which took most of the day. 

I left home at 11 am and drove to the beach. We had a lovely walk and the boys ran and played in the water.

A couple of hours later, we started the drive home.

A car came towards us and I think the driver was busy doing something with his phone, I tried to avoid him, but he hit my side-view mirror, which hit my side window and both window and mirror broke with a loud noise, which sounded like an explosion! And the driver in the other car didn't stop!!! I almost managed to get a picture of his number plate, but he was too far away, when I got the camera out.

So I spent all afternoon trying to find a garage, who can put a new window and mirror in before Easter. And then I needed to find some kind of see-through cover for the window, so I can at least drive in it until it can be fixed. 

I found a garage - they can fix it on Wednesday and luckily they were also the place with the cheapest estimate - £250. The most expensive place asked £400 and couldn't fix it until after Easter. That was an expensive trip to the beach!

Happy weekend.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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