Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Got a blip badge

Whoop. When I find my barbershop chorus fleece it's going on that.

Have had a lovely relaxing Sunday have done nothing that i was planning on doing. Just relaxed really and pottered.

My friends have bought a Dodge pickup. We went to see it and it is absolutely huge. Huge. Lovely though.

Spent far too much times looking into secondary schools for DD.

We have decided against grammar. She said she is not bothered and not really interested. She is more than able but I am not sure her personality will suit.

However I discovered that a fairly local school does a music scholarship. This is of much more interest to her. She also likes the look of a new 14-19 academy specialising in performing arts.

It so hard. A comment from a friend about her doing the things that I never had the chance to do is true. However I hate parents who live their life through their children. I am trying really hard not to do that. Where does nature and nuture crossover and where does free will come into it.

She lives 24/7 with a person who is singing constantly, playing music constantly, lesson planning around music ........

She has a lovely voice and a real musical aptitude. She plays the cello and is taking her grade one in September. She has also been invited to join the local orchestra. I am largely self taught and I do wish I had had the opportunities that she has open to her.

So yes I know what it looks like but I am not a frustrated musician so I don't think it is that .....or is it?

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