Pleased ...

... am I.

At street level, our apartment building has two retail premises. One is a dairy, which allows the grandsons to buy a pie to stave off the hunger pangs after school before heading home. The other is an alcohol shop. 

Although I tend to buy wine elsewhere, occasionally a bottle of white is wanted and I have neglected to have one in the fridge. Especially at this time of the year, a room temperature white is not enjoyed by S and visitors. Being a red wine drinker by preference, I am rarely inconvenienced by such thoughtlessness on my part.

Quite some months ago, I went in to get a bottle of sauvignon blanc, and because I was aware of a release of the CJ Pask syrah, asked if they had any. They didn't. It was established that I liked it and I went on my way.

This evening, S wanted a cold bottle of white wine, so I went downstairs to get one. I found a sauvignon blanc from the winery one of my cousins owns, which I know to be a good wine. I bought it feeling pleased. The young man serving me asked if I had wanted a Pask wine. Remembering the earlier interaction I acknowledged that I had shown an interest, and was told they had some. This is a photo of the label.

Pask winery was the first to plant grapes on what is now known as the Gimblett Gravels, with a world wide reputation for being a special terroir. The head wine maker is Kate Radburnd, who is very highly regarded in New Zealand and abroad. The combination of grapes from the Gimblett Gravels and Kate Radburnd results in a superb wine. 

As this 2013 vintage was released last year, either none of their other customers wanted it, or they have just stocked up (perhaps again). I willingly relieved them of a couple. Looking forward to again sampling it.

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