Ina's Snippets

By ina

Hang in there!

"If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.
Don't wait for great opportunities.
Seize common, everyday ones and make them great."

~ Napolean Hill ~


I'm seriously considering becoming a Naturist!(joke!) I just can't stand the heat...

Went to the shops today to buy a "cool" dress - cool in looks and cool to wear :) I took Gigi and Timmy along - I carry Gigi in her bag and Timmy walk on the leach. In the dressing room I hanged the bag on the hook with my clothes so Gigi and I can discuss my choice in dresses "face to face" :) She was quite happy watching everything from another level.

Happy Thursday everyone!


"If things are ever to move forward,
someone must be willing to make the first step."

~ unknown ~

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