Thank you Granni. x

Mr W went on a new TV hunt this morning. He's not the most spontaneous of buyers our Mr W. We have been in to Currys several times now. I really thought we might be walking out with one today after spending an hour pondering over 3 different TV's. But he decided we needed to measure our TV stand before committing. Just as well we did actually because the one we nearly bought would have fallen over! Im after a nice Sony but its £100 more than the others! (You get what you pay for!!!) He has 2 days left to buy a TV before we give ours to Gill and Jasmine in Enfield on Friday!!!!!

After work that was on, then off, then back on which delayed me by 40 minutes, I popped into Daughter Number 1 to catch up on how her weekend to Barcelona went. Emily suffers from occasional anxiety which is usually triggered by being away from home, especially abroad, but Im pleased to say she had a fantastic time and didn't want to come home!

The Pussies bought me flowers and a card which Leo is posing nicely for. Actually he tried to eat the flowers and destroy the card but thats just Leo!!!!!

And I tried to upload this last night and it was still trying to upload when I woke up this morning. Think I need a new phone!!!!!

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