Goodbye Bob Walker

Attended Bob Walker's funeral today, along with a good many other people including a large contingent from the allotments. As is the case with a funeral, you learn more about the person that you knew when they were alive and it was fascinating to find out aspects of his life that you knew nothing about.

The floral decorations were very interesting too, one decorated in the colours of his favourite soccer club; Sunderland. The other decoration was made of vegetables, carrots, onions, potatoes of different colours and green veg amongst the flowers. Very good idea and very well done.

I couldn't stay long afterwards, just enought time to take this shot of the "carrot cake" - well, what else?

I was on hospital duty to take Doreen for her pre cataract tests to see if she was fit for the procedure. She was, but she had to make three visits to three different people. Seemed over complicated to me and could have easily been reduced to two; one for the technical assessment of her eyes and one for all the administration.

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