Frysk famke

Canadian version of  the Frisian girl

"Between 400 and 200 B.C. significant cultural changes take place. From Leiden in the south to Delfzijl in the north a 'Proto-Frisian' culture was evolving. In 200 B.C. a distinctly Frisian culture can be found between the river Eems (Germany) and Wijk-bij-Duurstede (Netherlands). For the first time the Frisians are an ethnic entity!"

"The name "Friezen" (Frisians) can be traced back to the end of the first century A.D. The Roman writers Plinius and Tacitus write about the so-called Frisii. The Germanic word Freisias (Frisians) comes from the Indo-European Preisios. Preisios is a derivation of the root-word prei-, which means: to love. Freya is the Germanic goddess of fertility and love. Thus the meaning of the name." (

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