
By Chiara

Life story

Isn't this neat?

I'm a vegetarian. I believe in animal rights. However, I don't take offense when others consume meat, nor do I toss red paint on fur-wearers. I believe that what people eat or wear is their own business.

When he was still amazing, humble, and sane, Joaquin Phoenix said this: "Animal rights is part of my everyday life. When you live by example, you create a certain level of awareness. Friends of mine, people I have never discussed animal rights or vegetarianism with, are adopting vegetarian habits because they see it."

He's right. So far, two people have been "converted" by just being around me and my vegetarian ways. I had always wanted to become a vegetarian but I never found the willpower to become one, because I loved meat too much. I had that attitude until I met Jennifer Hart. She is a beautiful and bright woman who has been a staunch vegetarian for years and years. Two years ago, she showed me how to avoid meat and still eat well (enough protein intake). I've been a faithful vegetarian ever since then.

If I had to pick a motto to delineate my beliefs, it would be "Show, don't tell." It's a term for writers, but I think that this admonition applies to everything in life.

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