
By Cigs

Ardmillan Terrace

A long day in the office; which wasn't a disaster; as it was grey and murky outside. I set foot out with FCP chum Weird Al at lunchtime and we tried to shoot Gifford Park Cigs but - the light just wasn't right...

So we returned, with chat about lightweight hiking gear and the impact of low carbon transport on the environment at a local level. (Yeah, I know... it relates to a consultation on revamping a street near him)

And so after a delightful evening of pear / gorgonzola / jambon and then burritos, I cycled off into the gloom to catch this one. Previously featured
here it seems to have migrated west for the winter.

I subsequently got soaked on the way home (down the cycle path - what used to be my regular commute for about 7 years - nice to reacquaint myself with it - I often use it heading out from home but seldom do the return journey. Or maybe just because I had a couple of glasses of wine I was a little more wistul...)

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