Birds of a feather................

I got up early, again, this morning, because my hairdresser was due at  9' o 'clock. She did some magic , and my hair is now looking good. When she had left, we had a light lunch, and went to Lidl's for some fruit, and then on to Parc Slip. We went for a walk, around the reserve, and I, as usual, was so cold. We called back at the coffee shop, and had two coffee's , and while we were sitting in the conservatory, I saw Kevin (from church) outside. He came in, and I bought him a coffee, and we had a good chinwag.  J & Kevin were having a chat about motorbikes, when  I spotted I guy called Les, who I know from the gym, sitting outside with his dog. I went out, and he introduced me to his wife. It was a lovely, unexpected way to spend the afternoon. I am volunteering in church on Friday, so will see Kevin again then.It's good to talk, isn't it?

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