
By AlfeeTee


The Kindred of the Kibbo Kift that is. We had a Woodcraft Folk trip to the Whitechapel Gallery to see a little exhibition of our forerunners the Kibbo Kift.

Started in 1920 by John Hargrave who was there at the start of the Boy Scouts, whose militaristic ideas he became disillusioned with, having witnessed first hand the horrors of WW1. He thought that through camping and healthy outdoor pursuits a simpler more honest life with world peace could be achieved. It's members would make their own outfits and carve their own staffs and prance around chanting and dancing mock pagan rituals. The whole thing was way ahead of it's time and slightly mad, but had the best of idealistic intentions.

He seems like he was a bit of a control freak, writing most of their literature and designing all their logos and banners and clothes. In 1932 he abandoned most of the crazy ceremony and crotch length tabbards for a much more toned down version which was the Woodcraft Folk. Still full of ideals and good intentions but much more widely accessable.

He later left the WF and became ordained as a Cof E clergyman.

The writing on the rubbish photo reads-
"There is something here with a beating heart which, by it's own tiny effort is calling men to repent, to turn away from the folly of a devastating materialistic age, and to live, is that worthless - is that nothing?"
Thr confession of the Kibbo Kift 1927.

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