Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

I am really struggling at the moment, mentally, physically and blipping wise!
It is so hard to find something to blip indoors every day and feel I am getting desperate..of course I could not blip until I get some more inspiration but missing a day gives me heart palpitations!!

Mentally and physically I feel I am stuck and can't see a way out. The physio I am doing daily has resulted in me taking co-codamol every 4hrs, struggling to walk any distance without getting breathless and sore and becoming the floors friend yet again.
I spoke to the physio yesterday and her words were - "good", when I described my pain - No Pain No Gain she also said! Wonderful I thought!!

On a brighter note, I am going to my friends children's school Christmas Fair tonight, £2 for a mulled wine and a minced pie - I'm there!! I might even pick up a few Christmas presents!

Edit - this is for the Blip Book Club!

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