Moment's Wonder

By MomentsWonder

Sam And the Iphone

Sam, the amazing grandson came for a unexpected sleep over.

We went to the pool for a swim, to the farm to see the horses, we played games, did puzzles, went for two walks, filled the bird feeders, celebrated our birthdays together with cupcakes and candles, read stories and watched a movies before he fell asleep, exhausted at 11:00 watching an Elmo Christmas movie.

I have an app on my iphone that he just loves. It is a talking cat that repeats everything you say, along with other clever things. The only way we could get the phone away from Sam was to tell him that "silly cat" needed a nap. With the exception of the pool, "silly cat" participated in all our adventures.

Many, many pictures and this is the one that captures my heart and the day.

Sam and the IPhone

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