Womsie selfie.

Survived night one of three on own.
Plonked Wom back in bed twice
Endured Wom screaming his teeny head off as night terror struck, always know when it's night terrors as they start off with low murmuring then get louder and louder, with incredibly loud shouts if he gets touched.
Snuggled munch back under the duvet when she and kicked it off, waking up to Munchie shouts around 5:45.

Work is beyond manic
Parents evening tomorrow
Church schools inspection Wednesday
Parents evening Thursday

Major discussions in school regarding what we should / should not promote. So hard given that we have all had the PREVENT training in line with identifying radicalisation, yet here we are heavily promoting / pushing Christianity, but only being a voulantry controlled church school not a voulantry aided school, this feels a bit too much.

home, cuddles, baths, beds, wee in our bed, great!

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