Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Day trip

Lie in today .............. much needed, not firing on all cylinders so thankful for the extra rest.

Trip over to pa-in-laws flat to collect some items and water the flowers (before we move them).

Home, to pick up Lili, then off to Cliveden House, Taplow - parked in the woodland car park and thought we would walk to the house (£10 each for parking as not NT members). Lovely stroll up to the house, Lili loved scampering off into the woods then coming out to find us ...... or waiting for us to call her! Stopped off for a hot drink, bite to eat and a comfort break before the return trip. Decided to take the route back by the river, the river Thames, which was flowing well - spotted the odd swan and heard many Canadian geese. The walk back up to the car park up hill all the way, slow walk there then!

Home for a rest - slow cooker put on this morning so when we got home the smell of the dinner was lovely and tasted great.

Beautiful sunny day - knackered now.


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