
After a lazy morning at home (disregarding the medicine wars) we thought Noo could do with some sea air. ZQ was off at a rugby festival, also by the sea in Brighton, but we headed off to Birling Gap near Eastbourne. GravyC ran to Jevington, where Noo and I picked him up. The small beach is reached by a staircase, which always unnerves me as the cliff to which it is attached is very unstable. Once we were down there Noo was quite happy collecting stones and chalk. I really like this picture of him and GravyC inspecting the cliffs for fossils.....

After refuelling with coffee and cake, the boys dropped me and my bike off so that I could cycle home.......uphill......into the wind all the way!!! My poor toes were frozen when I staggered into the house!

ZQ and his crew came 2nd in their rugby festival. He hasn't mentioned how tired he is yet.....

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