Huy Urban Trail race

My first race of this type which consisted of about 98% hardcore trail and 2% urban. During the 19km race:
I encountered disused train tracks, pitch black tunnels, streams (not that much fun running in rushing water downhill for 1km), ropes to pull yourself up impossibly steep hills, ankle deep mud, lots of falling down (I was covered in mud from top to bottom), natural obstacles including jumping over tree trunks that had fallen across paths, more mud, hundreds of steps, running through the town hall, running through some kind of concert hall with a band playing and people sat in the audience watching (bizarre!), running/climbing from the dungeons of the castle to the very top only to come back down again and all in the freezing rain and hail!
My lovely little family were there to cheer me on and there were big high fives with them when they saw that Mummy was the very first lady home!

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