Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

My Big Stopper!! (inside out lamp)...

      I made this this morning for this big pink glass jar.
I have been meaning start on this sometime ago and I am going to turn it into a lamp with a difference. I am going to put the light bulb fitting on the inside but the bulb will be hidden by the cord around the neck. I will be drilling holes through it. (a), to allow the heat from the bulb to escape and (b), will put the wire in through the hole you can see to the fitting inside. The bulb will be a very low wattage so it will not get to hot.
       I will be feeding the flex through a drilled hole at the bottom of the jar and it will be stuck with double sided tape to hide the glass join from the base up through the stopper and back into the hole in the middle you can see.
If that lot makes any sense!! All will be revealed when finished. I will be somehow fixing a lampshade to the top so it will be deceptive. (Look like a normal lamp)
The extras are the first stage on the lathe and the second one is the finished stopper.
Hope you have had a nice weekend.
Take care.

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