Rhonda and Sassy

Dear Diary,

Another fun day with cousins, this time visiting thrift shops and antique shops.  Ronda and Joe are passionate collectors and for them the hunt is everything.  Me too.  With the new porch I am able to indulge in my love of china and found a few pieces.  I also got a "new" cross-stitch sampler.  I just had two wonderful samplers done by my mother and grandmother framed so I will be hanging them all this afternoon. (Blip to follow!)

I've had to tone down my collecting in recent years as my little house is already quite full of my finds but even if I don't buy I love looking through bits and pieces of history in these shops.  I simply adore old things, always have.  This reminds me of a funny story about my father.  An old woman near us when I was young had a barn full of beautiful old oak furniture.  My father bought it for a song but not for furniture.  He used it to build a boat!  Wouldn't I just love to have that furniture now!

Soon the yard sale season will begin.  We all love a good day of "yard sailing" as we call it.  Something fun to look forward too.

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