Views of my world

By rosamund


It's a cold and dull day down on the coast so here instead is the finished piece of linen I have been working on.

It was a massive learning curve and every time I warp the loom and weave a piece of cloth I learn and understand more and more about the weaving process. It is such a precise and complex craft that I find it really pushes my skills to the limit. I can usually accept imperfections as part of the hand-made charm of my work but if I am trying to create a pattern or follow a particular set of instructions I feel the work is flawed if it is not perfect.

In that sense this piece has lots of flaws! Carlos reassured me though by reminding me that a year ago I couldn't have done it at all . I wish I had the time to really learn and understand more about this fascinating craft, at my current pace it will take a lifetime. I really enjoy the challenge of it so hope to embark on my next project before the end of the holiday.

I want to make a runner for my dining table. I use one of my first samples at the minute but since I decorated the living room and am using the table at full extension it doesn't quite fit the bill any more. I've found a pattern for an overshot runner which just uses two colours so I would like to do it in cream/beige and a red I am spinning at the moment. If I really want to challenge myself I should try and spin the warp as well but I'm not sure if I can make a yarn of the required strength to withstand the tension.

Having a quiet Sunday afternoon with Carlos and Noah, Freya will come home this evening and we'll all have nice family dinner.

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