Peacock saves the day!

We had a good start to the day from Leo's point of view - a trip to McDonald's for pancakes and maple syrup whilst everyone else was still in bed! Whilst there he used one of the toy dispenser things as was very pleased to get a sticky bulgy ghost which he promptly called Gary John Tilsed. He had great fun splatting it against all the doors, windows and mirrors.

And then disaster struck, he threw Gary very enthusiastically against the patio doors and he exploded very spectacularly all over the kitchen. It was very funny - except for Leo! He sobbed for ages - and asked me to make a coffin for Gary so he could be laid to peace! Poor old exploded and deflated Gary makes an appearance in the extra.

He was inconsolable for ages until we promised him a trip back to the magic machine for Gary Mark II. We gave it a good go but as it was pot luck we came away with an owl, a rat, a frog and some bulgy eyes before we gave up. He was still sad about Gary so we popped to Tiverton and then Bickleigh Mill to cheer him up. He loves the peacock at the Mill and a nice lady gave him some of her scone to feed to him, and showed him how to get the peacock to eat from his hand - so we finally had a happy little chappy again.

And then, even better! When his Dad got home he persuaded him out for one last go of the machine and the force was with them as Gary Mark II is now with us! He is safe and snug in his plastic ball home and Leo has decided there will be no splatting of this one.

I am sure the rest will be splattered all about the place - well let's make that the kitchen or bathroom as they are likely to explode if Gary Mark I is anything to go by - lasting all of an hour of splatting!

Will hope for slightly less drama tomorrow :)

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