Faye and Baby Brynn

Between these 2 young ladies, there is almost 90 years of living.

Faye is our neighbor, and a sweetheart of a woman. I was with her when she saw her doctor last month, and the doctor said..."Faye, I think you have the unique ability to make those who come into contact with you...want to be nicer, kinder, and more gentle." He was right, she REALLY is a wonderful person. Faye makes up 89 and a half of the 90 years.

Which leaves a half a year for baby Brynn. Six months old! She is my great-niece, and gets cuter (is that possible?) every time I see her. This is her first visit to Florida, and I think she is enjoying herself.

My company just left, baby Brynn's grandparents. Along with the other set of grandparents, they are taken...they are smitten...they are enthralled with the new addition, and it's easy to see why.

We have this same picture with our baby (grandson Merrick) sitting on Faye's lap. (He is now 5.) They have a bond because they share the same birthday (October 26.)

Two lovely young ladies. One old, one young...but both VERY special people.

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