Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

I Never Want Those Training Wheels...

"... on my little bike again!"

This weekend I decided that I'd take the training wheels off Mstr 5's old bike. It being littler than his new one, he can get his feet more readily to the ground, and it's also much lighter. I hoped that he might therefore be more ready to try it training-wheel-less than he has been his sister's bike - which is the same size as his new one.


As you can see, he took to it rather well, and has in fact done brilliantly. Still some work to do, but he's mostly there - quite all of a sudden, really. He's very pleased with himself - as he should be.

Click to enbikenate.

As for me, I got to run up to the shops, as Mrs Tsuken was making some apple sauce, and found the apples she had just didn't cut it. Granny Smiths were needed, so I donned my Merrells and running shorts, grabbed a backpack, and ran up the road - which I enjoyed a lot. I also bought some new work pants, as I've shrunk out of the 34" waist ones I bought about 2 months ago. Today's are 30". Bloody ridiculous, you ask me. The shop (a bit of a styley young trendy hip place) doesn't actually have pants below a 28" waist, so it's just getting silly for this old fogey.

We checked out a tower sort of workout thing while we were down at Pemrif too: bars for chin-ups and leg-raises and tricep dips, as well as resistance cables for extra toning-type working out. Looks good, and should be getting that at some point soon - but for now I'll have to start with situps and pushups.

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