Mock Viva

Today I spent 1.5hrs inside the office of my supervisor. I stayed late last night in the lab "trying" to read back my thesis from page to page but it was all gone from my mind the next morning. Fortunately i did not panick. I was expecting for my supervisor to start going through the pages of my thesis but then he started giving an overview and what to expect during the viva. It was a sigh of relief. I was not in my best today. As we got comfortable talking about the possible questions the reviewers might be asking me, my supervisor threw some questions to me (for which i believe he expected me to answer) and I was satisfied that i was able to answer it satisfactorily. He did say that it was good to know I was able to answer even if it was not really part of my thesis. Later on towards the end, I got myself into the theme of our discussion : "Questions that would possibly come up that is not in your thesis but is related to your thesis." I talked for a bit about my thoughts on my research and was able to amazingly conjure sensible questions that might stem from the answers that i have given. My super was glad to know that I did my own thinking as well. Thanks to my being a part of the numerous committees back in the Philippines where we "grill" students about their undergraduate research projects. I need to do a lot more reading from now until the viva next week though. These are things that arent in the thesis. As i would describe it "Miss Universe Questions"

All in all i think it was a good day. But for 1.5hrs, i only got to talk for 20mins. Most of the meeting was spent on "what to expect" and most of the talking was done by my super. I didnt mind. I didnt have a lot to say on the topic anyway.

Went to the library today to borrow back a book on Janus Particles but it wasn't in the the shelf although it was marked "available" in the online database.

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